Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ladies: Six Qualities You Should Have to Keep Your Men For As Long As You Like

Hi ladies I’m sharing something i think will help you keep your man as long as you wish for, so please take your time to go through this tips and let it be part of you.
So here are the tips i have taken my time to figure out, which will help protect your relationship:
1. Humility: Everyman loves to feel confident and happy to have such a lady who respects them and having this humility within their system, no matter the condition the man might find himself. And as expected, this quality should be in every female's system as far as she has a man in her life, or generally. So please ladies, stay humble and your men will be proud of you, love and respect you back.

2. Be Independent: Trust me ladies, men these days aren't looking for ladies who would bill them every day and every time, even if the love is right their blazing hot, situations will arrive whereby, the man gets fed up, start acting funny and this is indeed a bad sign. Once you are an independent lady who never depends on your man to live, to get whatever material you need, you have your own job, it's a big hit for your relationship because the respect you get from that man will be more than the one he gets from you. Those ladies who bills their man for whatever they need are called 'RESPONSIBILITIES' on their own which is so so discouraging, that’s why they end up falling apart their relationship being materialistic with no limit. So even when things go rough for your man, you should be capable of supporting him, with that, he'll be so glad he has angel who got his back.
3. Text & Call Him: Ladies please make this a habit, make this part of your daily routines, infact no one should tell you this before you put it into action. The way you girls appreciate our calls and texts is the same way we do too. Please even if not 3 times a day; make it 2 and leave the rest to us.
4. Be Sassy: Trust me this one is the most important part, because this exploits your beauty quality, this makes you look new every time he sets his eyes on you. Forget about you two living under the same roof or vicinity or community, if you are the sassy type, giving him different pictures of you, he'll never be tired of you and be so confident to present you, anytime, anywhere, to any anyone.
5. Be Clean: Haha this is another important quality a woman should have, cleanliness is one important part too, i don't appreciate ladies with bad body odors and i'm sure other brothers don’t either. So please ladies, learn to clean up every time, especially your p***y, because this will make you feel confident to do different things with your man especially when the sex mood arises. Please this is important.
6. Be a good cook: Abahhh this one is indeed important and expected of all ladies to be able to make a good meal for their man. If you don't know how to cook, don't tell any man, or any one, just go learn immediately. Or you will surely loose him to the one who could give him the best of the best meal if not now but someday. Please and please be good..
Thank you for reading this, if there are points you wish to add, please feel free.

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